THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR – Construction News | Infrastructure News | Supply Chain News



THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DAS-DPW IS SOLICITING BIDS FOR: STATE HOUSE A/C FOR FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT in CONCORD, NH for the DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. A complete Invitation to Bid and project description may be obtained at, DPW Project No. 81121, Contract B. Plans and Specifications may be purchased from the NH DOT, Finance & Contracts Office at 7 Hazen Drive, Room 130, Concord NH. Electronic bids must be submitted via no later than 2:00 P.M. EST on APRIL 13, 2022. KEITH P. HEMINGWAY, DPW Contract Administrator.

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-030 Fire Alarm Services

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-030 Fire Alarm Services You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for Fire Alarm Services in accordance with the attached specifications, terms, and conditions listed in RFB 2022-030 Fire Alarm Services which can be obtained at The Town of Salem NH is requesting bids from vendors to supply all labor, tools, transportation, materials, equipment and permits as necessary and required to perform fire alarm services at multiple Town buildings. The successful bidder must have at least five (5) years’ experience in the field and be able to respond to emergencies within a 2-hour time frame. This will be a three (3) year contract, 2022 – 2024. All proposals/bids must be received by April 8, 2022, at 9:15 AM EST. Two (2) copies of the BID Sheet must be signed and submitted in a sealed envelope, plainly marked: RFB 2022-030 Fire Alarm Services Town of Salem Purchasing Office 33 Geremonty Drive Salem NH 03079


TOWN OF BEDFORD REQUEST FOR SEALED BID SALE OF 4 SUNSET LANE The Town of Bedford is seeking sealed bids for the sale of the land and building located at 4 Sunset Lane, Bedford, NH with a deadline of 10:30 AM, April 28, 2022. Interested parties should review the bid documents on the Town website at

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-031 Building Alarm Serv

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-031 Building Alarm Services You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for Building Alarm Services in accordance with the attached specifications, terms, and conditions listed in RFB 2022-031 Building Alarm Services which can be obtained at The Town of Salem NH is requesting bids from vendors to supply all labor, tools, transportation, materials, equipment and permits as necessary and required to perform building alarm services and monitoring at multiple Town buildings. The successful bidder must have at least five (5) years’ experience in the field and be able to respond to emergencies within a 2-hour time frame. This will be a three (3) year contract, 2022 – 2024. All proposals/bids must be received by April 8, 2022, at 9:30 AM EST. Two (2) copies of the BID Sheet must be signed and submitted in a sealed envelope, plainly marked: RFB 2022-031 Building Alarm Services Town of Salem Purchasing Office 33 Geremonty Drive Salem NH 03079

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-029 Gravel Road Grading

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-029 Gravel Road Grading You are cordially invited to submit a bid for Gravel Road Grading in accordance with the attached specifications, terms, and conditions listed in RFB 2022-029 Gravel Road Grading which can be obtained at The Town of Salem NH is requesting bids from contractors to provide labor and equipment for various gravel road grading throughout the Town of Salem NH as needed. The Town will use the contractors services on an as needed basis as a supplement to in house grading forces and all work shall be under the general guidance of the Town of Salem Municipal Services Department – Public Works Division. This will be a three (3) year contract, 2022 – 2024. All proposals/bids must be received by April 8, 2022, at 9:00 AM EST. Two (2) copies of the BID package must be submitted in a sealed envelope, plainly marked: RFB 2022-029 Gravel Road Grading Town of Salem Purchasing Office 33 Geremonty Drive Salem NH 03079

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-028 Roadway Sweeping Se

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-028 Roadway Sweeping Services You are cordially invited to submit a bid for Roadway Sweeping Services in accordance with the attached specifications, terms, and conditions listed in RFB 2022-028 Roadway Sweeping Services which can be obtained at The Town of Salem NH is requesting bids from contractors to provide labor and equipment for various roadway sweeping throughout the Town of Salem NH as needed. The Town will use the contractors services on an as needed basis as a supplement to in house sweeping forces and all work shall be under the general guidance of the Town of Salem Municipal Services Department – Public Works Division. This will be a three (3) year contract, 2022 – 2024. All proposals/bids must be received by April 6, 2022, at 9:30 AM EST. Two (2) copies of the BID package must be submitted in a sealed envelope, plainly marked: RFB 2022-028 Roadway Sweeping Services Town of Salem Purchasing Office 33 Geremonty Drive Salem NH 03079


LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT The Town of Bow, New Hampshire, is soliciting responses from qualified Contractors to perform the daily operation and management of the Bow Water and Wastewater Systems (“Systems”). The Town is requesting pricing for multiple contract term options. Responses may be for management of both systems or each system individually. Request for Proposal documents may be obtained at the Town Manager’s Office, 10 Grandview Rd., Bow, NH 03304 or on the Town’s website at For assistance, call David Stack, Town Manager at 603-223-3910 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre-response meeting and site visit will be held on March 23, 2022, 1:00 p.m., at the Bow Municipal Building, 10 Grandview Rd., Bow, NH 03304. Responses are due on April 11, 2022, 3:00 p.m. in the Town Manager’s Office, 10 Grandview Rd., Bow, NH 03304. The Contract will be awarded on or about April 26, 2022.

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-026 Granite Curb Servic

TOWN OF SALEM NH RFB 2022-026 Granite Curb Services You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for Granite Curb Services in accordance with the attached specifications, terms, and conditions listed in RFB 2022-026 Granite Curb Services which can be obtained at The Town of Salem NH is requesting bids from contractors includes but is not limited to the labor, materials, equipment, tools, and supervision necessary for the installation and resetting of granite curbing as specified through Town and NHDOT standards. The Town will use the contractors services on an as needed basis for projects requiring granite curb throughout the Town. Projects shall be under the general guidance of the Town of Salem Municipal Services Department – Public Works Division. This will be a three (3) year contract, 2022 – 2024. All proposals/bids must be received by April 6, 2022, at 9:00 AM EST. Two (2) copies of the BID package must be submitted in a sealed envelope, plainly marked: RFB 2022-026 Granite Curb Services Town of Salem Purchasing Office 33 Geremonty Drive Salem NH 03079


THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IS SOLICITING BIDS: The State of New Hampshire is soliciting bids for Maintenance of select stenciled and transverse line pavement markings at specific locations in the State. A complete Invitation to Bid and project description may be obtained at:, Project No. 43819. Plans and specifications can be purchased from the NHDOT, Finance & Contracts, 7 Hazen Drive, Room 130, Concord, NH. Sealed bids must be submitted electronically via no later than 2:00 PM EST on April 7, 2022. Peter E. Stamnas, P.E., Director of Project Development


THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DAS-DPW IS SOLICITING BIDS: The State of New Hampshire is soliciting bids for REBID – ECTC SITE IMPROVEMENTS in PEMBROKE, NH for the DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS AND VETERANS SERVICES. A complete Invitation to Bid and project description may be obtained at, DPW Project No. 81186R, Contract B. Plans and Specifications may be purchased from the NH DOT, Finance & Contracts Office at 7 Hazen Drive, Room 130, Concord NH. Electronic bids must be submitted via no later than 2:00 P.M. EST on APRIL 6, 2022. James Haggett, DPW Contract Administrator.


ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF MANCHESTER – DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR REHABILITATE RUNWAY 17-35 at MANCHESTER-BOSTON REGIONAL AIRPORT City Bid # FY22-805-49 AIP # 3-33-0011-TBD-2022 The City of Manchester, New Hampshire, Department of Aviation is seeking bids for the construction of the Rehabilitate Runway 17-35 Project. The scope of the work includes the rehabilitation of hot mix asphalt pavements by milling, hot mix asphalt overlay, pavement markings, pavement grooving, airfield lighting & signage, and FAA in-pavement approach light replacements. In addition, the project includes rehabilitation of the Taxiway A retaining wall with the addition new drainage utilities. The project includes a Base Bid, five alternate bid items and one option. The Base Bid consists of the rehabilitation of Runway 17-35 pavement, airfield lighting & signage, FAA in-pavement approach light replacements, and priority rehabilitation areas of the Taxiway A retaining wall; Alternate 1 consists of rehabilitation of the Runway 17-35 shoulders; Alternate 2 consists of rehabilitation of the Runway 17-35 blast pads; Alternate 3 consists of the rehabilitation of the remaining portions of the Taxiway A retaining wall; Alternate 4 includes airfield improvements to the pavement surface sensor system; and Alternate 5 includes electrical manhole drainage. Award of the Alternates will be based on available funding. The option includes seal coating the runway shoulders and blast pads in lieu of the pavement rehabilitation described in Alternates 1 & 2. Bids will be accepted only from contractors that have been pre qualified with the Department of Aviation. Refer to the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport website at for pre-qualification requirements. Bid documents may be viewed and downloaded, at no cost, in Portable Document Format at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport’s website link located at Upcoming Projects

Mobility Management RFP The Southern New Hampshi

Mobility Management RFP The Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for mobility management services. Proposals are due by Friday, April 1, 2022 at 4:00 PM. For additional details, the full RFP is available at under “News and Notices.”

Mobility Management RFP The Southern New Hampshi

Mobility Management RFP The Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for mobility management services. Proposals are due by Friday, April 1, 2022 at 4:00 PM. For additional details, the full RFP is available at under “News and Notices.”


THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IS SOLICITING BIDS: The State of New Hampshire is soliciting bids for 10.2 miles of pavement resurfacing on six (6) roadway sections in six (6) Towns in Districts 4 and 5. A complete Invitation to Bid and project description may be obtained at:, Project No. 42443. Plans and specifications can be purchased from the NHDOT, Finance & Contracts, 7 Hazen Drive, Room 130, Concord, NH. Sealed bids must be submitted electronically via no later than 2:00 PM EST on March 31, 2022. Peter E. Stamnas, P.E., Director of Project Development


THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IS SOLICITING BIDS: The State of New Hampshire is soliciting bids for: Rehabilitation of a corrugated metal culvert carrying Bowman Brook under NH 114 in Bedford and repair of erosion at a concrete culvert outlet north of the culvert. A complete Invitation to Bid and project description may be obtained at:, Project No. 43138. Plans and specifications can be purchased from the NHDOT, Finance & Contracts, 7 Hazen Drive, Room 130, Concord, NH. Sealed bids must be submitted electronically via no later than 2:00 PM EST on March 31, 2022. Peter E. Stamnas, P.E., Director of Project Development


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